Version-4 (Sep-Oct 2017)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4
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Abstract: This study examined the effects of monetary policy transmission mechanism on liquidity of Nigerian capital market from 1981-2016. The required data were sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin. The study have capital market liquidity as dependent variable while treasury bill rate, savings rate, prime lending rate, net domestic credit, monetary policy rate, maximum lending rate, exchange rate and credit to private sector as the independent variables. The Ordinary Least Square multiple regressions with econometric view were used as data analysis techniques. Co integration test, Granger Causality Test, Augmented Dickey Fuller Test and Vector Error Correction Model were used to examine the variables and its relationship to the dependent variables.........
Keywords: monetary policy transmission mechanism, liquidity of capital market, co-integrationand credit to private sector to Gross Domestic Product..
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Abstract: The aim of this article is to present and apply an author's model for time series prediction, presenting macroeconomic indicators, exchange rates, financial markets and similar indicators. The proposed model is based on wavelet analysis and the ideology of the exponential compensation model. The model allows you to estimate the future value of a time series, both in long and short periods of time. The model was applied to the prediction of time series presenting the globalization index, which measures three main dimensions of globalization: economic, social and political. Index refers to: actual economic flows, economic restrictions, data on information flows Economic globalization, characterized as long distance flows of goods, capital and services as well as information and perceptions that accompany market exchanges. The obtained results indicate that the author's model is the appropriate model for analysis of time series and in particular for the study of economy in the social and political aspects.
Keywords: economy, globalization, multi-resolution analysis, prediction, wavelet[1] A. Dreher, Does Globalization Affect Growth? Evidence from a new Index of Globalization, Applied Economics 38, (2006). 10: 1091-1110.
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[5] G. Uddin, A. Tiwari, M. Arouri, F. Teulon, On the relationship between oil price and exchange rates: A wavelet analysis. Economic Modelling, 2013, 35: 502-507..
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Abstract: SACCOs are prone to operational efficiency challenges such as liquidity shortages. This study sought to establish the relationship between liquidity management and levels of efficiency of SACCOs in Kenya. The purpose of the study was to examine how the Liquidity management policies influence operational efficiency of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs) in Kenya. It was based on the liquidity preference and the anticipated income theories. The study used a descriptive survey design that targeted managers, chairmen and credit officer from all sixty one SACCOs located in Nyandarua County, Kenya. The study used stratified random sampling to arrive.........
Keywords: (Liquidity, Liquidity Management Policy, Operational Efficiency, SACCOs)[1] Adebayo, O., David, A. O.& Samuel, O. O. (2011). Liquidity Management and Commercial.Journal of Finance and
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[4] Bank for International Settlement (2008). Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision. Brussels, Belgium:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Profit Analysis With Financial Ratio (Study At Manufacturing In Indonesia Stock Exchange) |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Bambang Riyadi |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0805043943 ![]() |
Abstract: Profit is a reflection of success in executing the activities and operations of the company. There are many factors that allegedly affect the company's profit growth. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of current ratio, total asset turnover (TAT), debt to equity ratio (DER), gross profit margin (GPM), return on asset (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) profit growth in manufacturing companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research population is a manufacturing company that dihapsa dibursa Indonesia in 2013 as many as 85 companies. Minimum sample size studied by 46 companies, sampling using stratified sampling technique with proportional allocation. Analysis tool used is multiple linear regression with tools SPSS v. 17. The results show simultaneously the current ratio, total asset turnover, debt to equity ratio, gross profit margin, return on asset and return on equity significantly affect the profit growth in manufacturing companies in BEI, while the partially variable that affects the profit growth is gross profit margin, total asset turnover and return on equity.
Keywords: Current ratio, total asset turnover , debt to equity ratio, gros profit margin , return on asset, return on equity, profit[1] Armita,C. 2012. Pengaruh Rasio Camel Terhadap Pertumbuhan Laba Yang Terdaftar di BEI . Students' Journal of Accounting and Banking, Vol.1, No.1
[2] Brigham, E.F. dan Gapenski, L.C. 1997. Financial Management Theory and Practice. Orlando : The Dryden Press.
[3] Brigham, E.F dan Houston,J.F. 2009. Dasar-dasar Manajemen Keuangan. Edisi 10.Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
[4] Darsono dan Ashari, 2005. Pedoman Praktis Memahami Laporan Keuangan, Andi, Yogyakarta
[5] Esa Rosahayu, Yuhelmi, dan Irda (2014). Analisis rasio keuangan dalam memprediksi Pertumbuhan laba pada perusahaan kosmetik di bursa Efek indonesia (BEI).http://www.ejurnal., diakses 1 April 2015
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Abstract: The objectives of this study are: to examine the extent of the satisfaction of the clients of National Health insurance Scheme in Usmanu Danfidiyo University Sokoto and to determine the factors that influence the client's satisfaction of the scheme. The study was a cross sectional survey. It uses questionnaire to generate required information from a sample of 535 respondents all drawn from the university's faculties. Chi Square and logit regression model were used to analyse the data generated therefrom. The study revealed low rate of satisfaction with the scheme among respondents. It also indicates that general knowledge of the scheme; educational level, knowledge of financial contribution, marital style and occupational level of the clients have positive and significant influence on client's satisfaction. It recommends that every provider should strive to provide the best of services to their clients with the view of having to meet their expectations and satisfaction.
[1] Abdulqadir, N. S. (2012). Knowledge, Attitude, Perception and Clients' Satisfaction with National Health Insurance Scheme
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[2] Adebimpe, W.O & Adebimpe, M.A. (2010). Assessing and Improving the Performance of Health Maintenance Organizations in the
Nigerian National Health Insurance Scheme: The health provider's perspectives. Journal of Medical and Applied Biosciences Vol.2
pp. 123- 126. Cenresin Publications
[3] Adei, D., Osei-Kwadwo, V.&S.K. DiKko (2012). "An Assessment of the Kwabre District Mutual Health Insurance Scheme in
Ghana"; Journal of Social Sciences 4(5): 372-382. Pp. 372-382.
[4] Adeniyi, A. A.&Onajole A.T. (2010). "The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS): A Survey of Knowledge and Opinion of
Nigeria dentists' in Lagos". African Journal of Medical Sciences; 39(1):29-35.
[5] Agba, A. M, Ogaboh; Ushie, E. M. Osuchukwu &N. C. (2010). "National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and Employees'
Access to Healthcare Services in Cross River State, Nigeria". Global Journal of Human Social Sciences,10 (7):9-16.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Essai De Construction D'un Modele D'appropriation Des Outils De Gestion |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Par Bengeya Machozideo |
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: | 10.9790/5933-0805045968 ![]() |
Abstract: La gestion d‟une entreprise, et en particulier sa gestion comptable et financière, repose sur l‟utilisation par les managers d‟un grand nombre d‟outils. La notion d‟outils de gestion est abordée dans la littérature sous des dénominations différentes : instruments de gestion, machines de gestion, dispositifs de gestion, appareils gestionnaires, innovations managériales..., démontrant une grande diversité terminologique aussi bien dans les discours des théoriciens que des praticiens (S. Rouchon, 2006). Ces outils sont incontournables pour la pérennisation des activités de l‟entreprise ; et les gestionnaires y recourent constamment pour la prise des bonnes décisions. Quelle que soit la dénomination retenue, l‟appréhension de l‟outil de gestion est intimement liée aux notions de formalisation et d‟action. Ainsi, J.C. Moisdon (1997) le définit comme "toute formalisation de l‟activité organisée", A. David (1998) comme "tout dispositif formalisé permettant l‟action organisée".
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[3]. DE VAUJANY F.X. (2005), De la conception à l‟usage, vers un management de l‟appropriation des outils de gestion, éd. EMS, ouvrage collectif Préactis Université de Saint-Etienne coordonné par De Vaujany F.X.
[4]. DE VAUJANY F. X. (2006), « Pour une théorie de l'appropriation des outils de gestion : vers un dépassement de l'opposition conception-usage », Management & Avenir (n° 9), pp. 109-126.
[5]. GIDDENS A., (1987), La constitution de la société, éd.PUF, Paris
[6]. GODOWSKI C, (2003), « Essai sur la dynamique d‟assimilation des innovations managériales. Le cas des approches par activités », Comptabilité Contrôle Audit, n° spécial.